

[Haynes] Kevin Durant: “Hell, no. How can you blame [the Warriors]? Hell, no,” Durant told Yahoo Sports. “I heard the Warriors pressured me into getting back. Nobody never said a word to me during rehab as I was coming back. "



[–]Warriors coatesishere 165 points 6 hours ago

But /r/nba told me the Warriors organization was 100% responsible. NBA players went on TV and blamed the Warriors for forcing Durant back in game, at gun point no less.


[–]Knicks Adri_ann 188 points 6 hours ago

Wow yet again I am reminded as to why this sub is filled with the stupidest fucking people one can find


[–][UTA] John Stockton Thehealeroftri 31 points 5 hours ago

I mean, if you have a random draw of 2.5 million NBA fans there are bound to be some dumb people and usually dumb people are the most outspoken.


[–][CHI] Derrick Rose j eric13xd 50 points 5 hours ago

Oh man, I remember it was even worse when news came out that Klay tore his ACL.

HoW cOuLd ThE WaRrIoRs TrAiNiNg StAfF lEt HiM rUn BaCk tO tHe CoUrT?? So IrReSpOnSiBlE



[–][GSW] Baron Davis wisselbanken 117 points 6 hours ago

lots of nba twitter and /r/nba folks looking like complete trash. kevin durant joining the dubs really made y'all cry for three years and come up with conspiracy shit


[–]Warriors InfrastructureWeek 32 points 6 hours ago

Where are they right now? Speak up if you were one of the dumbasses saying shit they knew nothing about


[–][UTA] John Stockton Thehealeroftri 19 points 5 hours ago

They won't be in here for sure.


[–][UTA] Donovan Mitchell AcesOverPacific 25 points 6 hours ago*

hmmm, let me go check my post history to see if I'm a dumbass.

Edit: Well my post history confirms I'm a dumbass, but not due to this topic. Phew.



[–]Lakers Shrekt115 11 points 6 hours ago

We are awful!


[–][BOS] Eddie House ShinySuitTheory 13 points 4 hours ago

How are we supposed to believe him? What does he know about what happened with KD?


[–]Warriors curry402goat 18 points 6 hours ago

I'm glad to hear him say this, glad that this is what actually happened. Get back to it KD, can't wait to see you back on the court!!!


[–]Bulls hankbaumbach 22 points 6 hours ago

As someone who enjoys the KD is a snek narrative quite a bit, good on him for defending his former franchise against whatever made up sports drama is being churned out this week.



[–]Raptors DrunkenMasterII 4 points 5 hours ago

Medias: KD and Warriors communications were broken during the playoffs. Superstar says “nobody said a word to me”.


[–]Knicks theguyfromgta3 78 points 6 hours ago

ESPN: KD speaks using double negative. Claims that at no point were the Warriors not pressuring him to return.


[–]Kings SacKingsRS 2280 points 5 hours ago

Media: "Zion Williamson is reportedly VERY UNHAPPY about playing in New Orleans"

Zion: "No"

Media: "Kevin Durant is reportedly VERY UNHAPPY about his injury management in the playoffs"

KD: "No"

Etc. Gossip is all it is.






[–]Celtics Geoff_Uckersilf 10 points 2 hours ago

I'm splitting hairs but it's not even gossip, just bold faced lies. Gossip can sometimes be at least founded in truth.


[–][GSW] Andris Biedrins orsettocattivo 772 points 5 hours ago

And then Kd gets criticized when he treats the media like the trash they are


[–]Warriors __BlackSheep 429 points 4 hours ago

Worse is when everyone is trashing Westbrook for it. Like i'm supposed to give a single shit about Westbrook's post game interviews or availability.


[–]Rockets LarryEss 91 points 3 hours ago

I love westbrook interviews.... even before he joined my team.


[–]Cavaliers yelsamarani 23 points 3 hours ago

yeah when SBNation puts out an article criticizing Kyrie and Westbrook for their attitude towards the press.....dude they don't owe you anything, but you do seem to get a kick out of the ad revenue you generate from your clickbait.


[–]Fat_n_Ugly_Luvr 32 points 5 hours ago

If you are going to tell me I have to be very critical of the media because they have an agenda, then I will absolutely agree with you.


[–]76ers Emperor-Octavian 1131 points 6 hours ago

ESPN: Kevin Durant left Warriors because no one contacted him during rehab to send well wishes


[–][MEM] Mike Conley Username3009 54 points 4 hours ago

Yaya Toure's relationship with Manchester City soured because they didn't get him a birthday cake, so I'd be willing to believe this.


[–]KobeBeaf 205 points 4 hours ago

It’s actually a double negative, “nobody never”, so the headlines should read: Everybody on warriors staff pressured KD to come back at all times.


[–]Spurs Natepizzle 47 points 3 hours ago

I knew what he meant but still laughed when reading the headlines



[–]Testwhatever23444 1547 points 6 hours ago

Bob Myers ready to slap r/nba in the face with his dick


[–]Timberwolves whythehellknot 543 points 6 hours ago

r/NBA: our plan worked!


[–]Lakers mrtouchyfeely 222 points 6 hours ago

Lmfao and people on here were clowning Bob Myers for “fake crying”


[–]Warriors athleticshark 40 points 4 hours ago

Considering the average age of users here, it isn't surprising since their emotional maturity is that of a 12 year old


[–]Warriors somekindarobit 28 points 4 hours ago

This exactly it. It's pretty hard for kids to comprehend someone caring about another human being that much.

But also some adults haven't matured past 12 either.


[–]Warriors Coolguynumber01 100 points 6 hours ago

not only r/nba. Go on any sports media page and almost everyone was saying they forced KD to play or there was some miscommunication. I'm pretty sure both parties were smart enough to know what they were doing


[–][CHI] Derrick Rose jeric13xd 23 points 5 hours ago

Lol I got downvoted to hell when I said something kinda like: KD is willing to die out there to be with his teammates. No way he was missing the damn finals.

The dude was dancing pregame. He felt good, looked good. And the achilles gave.



[–]Ramy_ 84 points 4 hours ago

Honestly it shouldn’t be that big of a surprise. I know people in Church league basketball that came back too soon from an injury because they like to compete in our shitty Church League Basketball.

You think an insane competitor at the top of his game wouldn’t want to compete?



[–]WSJinfiltrate 46 points 4 hours ago

Just to add: it was the finals, they were down 3-1, and it could be the chance to three Peat


[–]Warriors Ionkkll 99 points 5 hours ago

There were so many Raptors fans trying to push the Warriors injured KD narrative here to distract from the fact that they cheered his injury.


[–]NBA Mygaffer 2430 points 6 hours ago

He's got something to say to those Raps fans who cheered his injury:

“It will probably be the last time they will be in the Finals,” Durant told Yahoo Sports with a smirk.



[–][GSW] Stephen Curry BootStrapWill 1240 points 5 hours ago

And they’re going to act like he’s an asshole for saying that even though they literally were happy about him suffering a potentially career ending injury


[–]Lakers crazyPA 43 points 5 hours ago



[–]Knicks youredoingWELL 695 points 5 hours ago

Wow Nets KD is way ccooler than Dubs KD


[–][PHI] Joel Embiid bronet 295 points 5 hours ago*

Most hilarious thing is how they were going "nah that's just the rich douches who can afford to go to finals games". Then a video from jurassic park surfaces showing the same thing. Then one from a bar.


[–]Supersonics F_Gooner 152 points 5 hours ago

That was really great, "those aren't real raptors fans"


[–]Spurs brandon_strandy 89 points 5 hours ago

The real fans are outside Toronto!


[–][UTA] John Stockton Thehealeroftri 538 points 5 hours ago

It was actually really interesting seeing people switch for who they were rooting for during the finals based on those fans reactions when he was injured. Reddit and twitter were really interesting that day lol


[–][GSW] Chris Mullin WindLane 445 points 5 hours ago

Yeah, people are okay with saying the Warriors are the bad guys or some evil empire that ruined the game, but as soon as somebody cheers after a severe injury everybody steps back goes, "whoa....that's too much."

Folks wanting the Warriors to lose or break up is one thing, cheering a dude getting hurt is a completely different animal.



[–][DAL] Dirk Nowitzki Mysteriagant 53 points 5 hours ago

Yeah I can't imagine cheering anybody getting injured unless they're legitimately a terrible person. Injuries are much bigger than basketball


[–][DET] Andre Drummond thejewfro69 83 points 3 hours ago

A good friend of mine rooted for KD and Klays injuries. He knew at the time that it was fucked up but hated the warriors too much to be rational. Last week he ruptured his patellar tendon and all he or the rest of our group could do was call it karma.



[–]Warriors moneygreen13 3609 points 5 hours ago

Kendrick Perkins throwing punches in the air right now


[–]medici1048 15 points 3 hours ago

Wait...what happened with Perkins? Did his muss mouth go on TV say something stupid again?


[–][BOS] Marcus Smart IdEgoLeBron 426 points 6 hours ago

Remember when people thought Kendrick Perkins knew more about medicine than the Warriors medical staff?


[–]Warriors athleticshark 5 points 2 hours ago

Reminder: it was reporter multiple times that KD had his own medical staff and a 3rd independent one clear him to play

Yet the majority of this sub ignored those reports and acted like they never existed or were fake



[–]Warriors Dameisdead 30 points 5 hours ago

This is what made me mad. It was confirmed that KD indeed got a second opinion and his own doctors also cleared him to play. Yet everybody was still 100% ready to call the warriors medical staff incompetent over the situation because Nick Wright said some stuff or TV or something.

勇士球迷:这就是让我不爽的地方啊。阿杜出场前的确征求了另一方的意见,而且他自己的医生也允许他上场,这都是确认了的。可你们这些人还是口口声声说是勇士的队医失职,就因为Nick Wright在电视上说了些什么。

[–]pepbe 10 points 5 hours ago

surprise surprise. Medical professionals are more knowledgeable than armchair reddit doctors.


[–]TheSyrianSensation 130 points 5 hours ago

Kendrick Perkins has a hate boner for the Warriors since Steph clapped back when Perkins was talking shit from the bench.


[–]Lakers lakerswiz 213 points 5 hours ago

Kendrick Perkins is fucking trash at this job.

All summer long he's been saying the dumbest shit and yet it gets eaten up as fact because he was a player and a teammate of some of these guys.


[–]Kings AdorableCentipede 97 points 4 hours ago*

Perkins definitely hates the Warriors. Richard Jefferson doesn't like the Dubs either despite having played for them. Basically every former Cavs player is anti-Warriors. If I recall, Dahntay Jones didn't think Curry was even a top 10 player.


[–]Warriors mick_jaggers_penis 13 points 3 hours ago

Eh maybe I’m wrong but I feel like I remember being pleasantly surprised by seeing Jefferson actually havie a few pro-warriors takes during the playoffs defending KD/Curry/Dray in situations where a lot of people were being critical


[–][NOP] Frank Jackson DaddyBelinelli 1800 points 5 hours ago

Perkins blocked me on Twitter because I complimented how great of a cheerleader he was on the Cavs


[–]Warriors NickInTheBack 105 points 5 hours ago

Hi, you and I are friends now


[–]JavonSteph 118 points 3 hours ago

Bro idk why yall kept listenin to him. I never truly trusted everything he was sayin. I got the feelin he just wanted some reporting clout


[–]Warriors The_Void_Reaver 46 points 2 hours ago

Cause he was saying what they wanted to hear to paint the Warriors as the villains.


[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram Albeezy1r 117 points 4 hours ago

Kendrick Perkins has evolved into a gossiping biatch


[–]Celtics billcosbyinspace 18 points 2 hours ago

I love the guy but he kind of already was. Virtually all of his big reports ended up being wrong. If he was just a random guy no one would take him seriously




