

[ESPN] Kyrie Irving’s “mood swings” are “unspoken concern“ for Nets officials, team source says

根据NBA记者Jackie MacMullan报道,有篮网消息源透露,欧文的情绪波动几乎尽人皆知,这也是篮网工作人员们无法言说的担忧。


[–][MIA] Udonis Haslem _Antonius 4743 指標 11小時前*

"Yo Spence. Pass the fucking ball!"

"WTF? Shoot it!"

"These kids don't know how to win, man"

"I had to call Brad and apologize"

"I want to retire as a Brooklyn Net"






[–]76ers Bandwagon SapperHammer 891 指標 8小時前

it seems like irving has some mental issues honestly


[–]aphextwin007 739 指標 6小時前

I mean he thinks the earth is flat.


[–]ToBeFaaaaaaair 363 指標

He's inconsistent and ungrounded and lacks emotional control because he has grown up as a star and was never forced to socialize like a normal person.

I don't hate him, he's not an idiot and I don't think he's malicious. He was just never forced to control his mind because nothing REALLY matters in his world but being good at basketball. So he legitimately doesn't see what the problem when he goes back on his statements, wavers in his motivation, or when he sabotages a team because HE is still good at basketball. He honestly doesn't see what the problem is.



[–]Knicks Fvckyourdreams 215 指標 4小時前

Or he’s just a bit of a dick. Not everyone has a tragic backstory, some people are just dicks, talented dicks, but dicks all the same.


[–]kingofthewilds 21 指標 4小時前

He said that because of the backlash he got. He took way too long to say it's a joke. He 100 percent believes in the flat Earth theory.


[–][TOR] Rudy Gay itsyaboipk 1086 指標 9小時前

Can someone give him an intervention to tell him that he’s not as good as he thinks he is


[–]Montenegro NiceVu 19 指標 9小時前

He is damn good though. That’s the problem lol. He is insanely talented but he still has way too high opinion about himself.


[–]HayZNilla 270 指標 9小時前

MJ wasn’t as good as Kyrie thinks Kyrie is.


[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 2697 指標 9小時前3

Not sure what you're talking about, Kyrie seems like a very down-to-flat-earth guy


[–]Grizzlies Spawn-of-Santa[ ] 203 指標 8小時前

He's the best example of a dumb person pretending to be a smart person I can think of.


[–]BonelessSkinless 583 指標 9小時前

I still can't believe he actually subscribes to that. It just makes me see him as a fucking idiot. So you can handle the ball well and break ankles. You still believe

the earth is flat you dumb fuck.


[–]Suns Toiletpaperplane 264 指標 9小時前

Kyrie used to be my favorite player when he was with Cleveland. Since then, he just seems like a douchebag.


[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 178 指標 10小時前

I mean it’s probably an actual mental health issue, he’s where he wanted to play and if it’s still happening there’s clearly something wrong that he can’t control


[–]FabulousQuit 76 指標 10小時前

i agree with you. we can't really put ourselves into other peoples' shoes, so he may have his own demons that we cant see. i think nowadays we often forget to have empathy; we tend to write people off a bit early. hoping that the nets can help him if there is something more going on



[–]NBA Insertnicenamehere 2144 指標 11小時前

Not surprising, but he wanted to be in Brooklyn so what gives Kyrie?


[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 1835 指標 11小時前

Just how he is. Doesn't seem like he can turn it off.


[–]Mavericks mrHoohs 224 指標 11小時前

i can dig it. i'm the same.


[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 805 指標 11小時前

Well that sucks, but congrats on the NBA career though.


[–]Cavaliers randominternetdad 788 指標 10小時前

Some people really have a hard time being happy/content no matter where they are in life. It's all about state of mind. Idk if he is going to a counselor, but he probably needs to, or he really will just be a bitter, dramatic dude for his whole life.

Who knows, maybe he needs to step away from the game and pursue something else he's really passionate about.



[–]NBA stonehallow 401 指標 10小時前*

I have a friend like that and I had to distance myself from her because she would make every conversation about herself and how her life sucked so bad, how her co-workers are horrible, how her boss is a dick... she’s job hopped multiple times but always finds something to moan about. it was never on her, and always about someone else.


[–]Jazz the_goatman_lives 116 指標 9小時前

I had an ex like that, she would shit talk all these people until the sun came up and then when I saw her interact with them she was super fake nice

I got out of that relationship real quick



[–]Cavaliers dwilkes827 229 指標 10小時前

He really seems like he's never happy, like it's always "the grass is greener over there". Wasn't happy as the #2 on a title team, wasn't happy as the leader of a young (but very talented) Celtics team, now (assuming this article is true, so who knows) at the team he picked


[–]Nets HumblestManOnEarth 282 指標 10小時前

Being happy and having mood swings are two completely different things.


[–]Cavaliers dwilkes827 108 指標 10小時前

Of course. And being a little moody and totally shutting down and not talking to coaches/front office/teammate are two completely different things too


[–]dn1zz 52 指標 9小時前

He seems like a introvert who happens to be elite at something that propels him to be in front of the camera and microphone day in and day out. He also overvalues himself a bit as an intellectual, and thinks he is more than just a basketball player, which he is.

It seems like he loves basketball, but can't manage all the other aspects that come with being a top 10 talent in one of the most popular sports in the world. I might envy the amount of money he makes, but I do not envy his situation.




[–]Thunder mark_96 267 指標 11小時前

So its clearly a pattern with Kyrie, seems like as great of an individual player he is he's not a good teammate.


[–]Cavaliers randominternetdad 67 指標 10小時前

Sounds he just needs to get himself figured out. Maybe ball just isn't for him. It's kind of all he knows, so maybe he needs to try something else. Only he knows, obviously, but if I've got problems everywhere I go to work, a big part of my lack of happiness probably stems from feeling unfulfilled in my job.


[–]Celtics exoticelijah 2615 指標 11小時前

Cavs fans tried to warn Celtics fans.

Celtics fans tried to warn Nets fans.

Nets fans tried to warn...??


[–]Nets LinuxUbuntuOS 604 指標 11小時前

Don’t lie to yourself. Someone will take him.


[–]Celtics exoticelijah 393 指標 11小時前

Precisely my point! Who’s it gonna be? One gild says he’ll end up on the Pacers!


[–]Pacers BigSlim 14 指標 9小時前

Don't you put that evil on us! Just kidding. We've lost to the Cavs and the Pistons twice so far. Indiana is plenty flat enough for Kyrie to feel comfortable.


[–]Warriors BillyBean11111 50 指標 10小時前

he's like the crazy hot girl, everyone knows it's probably not going to work out but there's some fun times too. But after 2 years it's just exhausting.


[–]Celtics billcosbyinspace 513 指標 10小時前

And then whichever team is next will say this time is different


[–][MIN] Tyus Jones Bentumbo 322 指標 10小時前

reminds me of the Dwight Howard saga... every time he went to a new team there was some narrative that this was the time he'd get it together and find his place within an organization... Then every offseason you'd see him getting shipped off for nothing


[–]Dr_Manhattan3 89 指標 9小時前

Naw but this year is different.


[–]Knicks OSMNBA 874 指標 11小時前

Problems just follow Kyrie almost everywhere he goes. Only place I don’t remember there being an issue would be duke, but the difference in dynamic between a coach and a pro is very different than a coach and a college student I’d imagine.


[–][POR] Damian Lillard grandpawillow 166 指標 10小時前

As they saying goes.. if all you run into is assholes, probably means you’re the asshole.


[–]Cavaliers neyvit1 1287 指標 10小時前

He played 11 games for Duke.


[–]Cavaliers CHR0T0 423 指標 10小時前

He played less for the Nets and its already popped up. Looks like 11 games was ample time for this to show apparently lol


[–]f-69 193 指標 10小時前

he never was able to build up his ego in duke like he has now


[–]Celtics SextonMcCormick 147 指標 10小時前

He also wasn’t a millionaire at the time


[–]mel0nwarrior 76 指標 10小時前

Absolutely. He behaves like this because he is already a champion and a millionaire. He feels entitled to something. That wasn't the case when he first joined the league.


[–]Heat TyFhoon 11 指標 7小時前

Tbh, his ego wasn't all that inflated until he made that game winning shot in the finals. After that though...


[–]Trail Blazers matrixreloaded 23 指標 8小時前

That and he was still a kid trying to figure himself out. Now he's still a kid who thinks he's an adult that's completely figured everything out. Dude's 27 and has had grown ass adults bowing down to him since he was 18. I'm surprised more athletes aren't like Kyrie tbh.


[–]Cavaliers justsomebro10 1221 指標 11小時前

Does Kyrie have an undiagnosed mental health issue?


[–][MIL] Mo Williams guitmusic12 1785 指標 11小時前

I’m excited to see the reddit doctors diagnose this one


[–]Bucks jgatch2001 241 指標 11小時前

Kyrie is clearly bipolar. Trust me I’m a certified professional at searching WebMD


[–]Butt_Expert 18 指標 10小時前

Can confirm, stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.



[–][NYK] Damyean Dotson Rasheediscool 352 指標 11小時前

Celtic fans laughing in a corner


[–][BOS] Marcus Smart airmagswag 231 指標 11小時前

Can confirm. I am literally sitting in a corner laughing about this


[–]Cavaliers jordanosman 18 指標 10小時前

cavs fans been laughing in the corner for too long


[–][BOS] Paul Pierce Darbitron 860 指標 11小時前

I’m here to overreact.


[–]UHHHyathink 1123 指標 11小時前

Nets fans, welcome to your new life.

With the utmost sincerity,

Relieved Celtics fans



[–]Knicks dskatz2 26 指標 10小時前

This is how I felt when we traded Melo and saw the drama on OKC. "Man, I'm glad I don't have to deal with that anymore."


[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozan ThatIOShield 105 指標 10小時前

Just wait till Durant is back in full force next season. The New York media is probably frothing at the mouth to get some juicy headlines from the duo.


[–]Bucks HomelessInKansasCity 495 指標 11小時前

Signing KD and Kyrie, what could possibly go wrong?


[–][GSW] Stephen Curry sergechewbacca 138 指標 11小時前

Man KD and Kyrie are perfect for each other.


[–]Celtics mjj1492 107 指標 11小時前

This is a pattern with Kyrie, like it or not. In Cleveland he shut down and would only talk with Shump. In Boston he shut down and would only talk with Smart. I’d hazard to guess that KD is that guy in BKN, and with him not playing it’s gonna be real bad this season for the Nets if it continues this way. Feel for Atkinson


[–]Celtics FreshLake 44 指標 9小時前

Literally how we felt after the IT season going to Kyrie. Great young cohesive core torn apart by a nutbar egomaniac




